During your biannual examination, your dentist will also look for signs of oral cancer. This form of cancer makes up about 3% of all diagnosed cancers in the US. Like other forms of the disease, it’s important to regularly check for signs so that necessary treatments can begin as soon as possible. The earlier signs of oral cancer are found, the earlier a diagnosis can be made and treatment can begin.
How We Scan For Signs Of Oral Cancer
Your dentist will examine your mouth, lips, tongue, and gums for signs of oral cancer. Some common signs may include sores that do not heal, red patches on and around your mouth, difficulty swallowing, and more.
You should also self-scan for abnormal changes to your smile about once a month. Stand in front of a well-lit mirror and check your face, neck, lips, and mouth for lumps, rashes, or other abnormalities.
What To Do If We Find Abnormalities
Oral cancer is most commonly found in older, male patients. If you recognize any potential signs of oral cancer during your self-scans, make an appointment with Dr. Sherry as soon as possible. When you come in for your visit, we will thoroughly examine the area and may refer you to an oncologist to take a biopsy.